

Zlatko B.

Zlatko B.

Public administration


Обединено кралство, Лондон


месечен дарител на Тук-Там


Обединено кралство, Лондон

За мен

Until 2020 I served for 6 years as Head of Field Office of MINUSCA (UN peacekeeping mission in CAR - Central African Republic). Prior to this field experience, I was Deputy Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to the UN in New York (2010-12) and then - redeployed for a two-year term as Deputy Chief Mission & Legal Adviser of the Embassy of Bulgaria in The Hague. As the Legal Advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Bulgaria I acted as Legal Counsel during the hearings at the ICJ on Kosovo’s Independence Declaration in 2009. My experience includes one year as Chief of Staff of the Minister for European Affairs. I worked in the MFA as Desk Officer for Cyprus, Senior Human Rights Officer, Head of the UN Security Council Department and UN Director. In addition, I worked for the OSCE Mission in Kosovo and served as a member of the team of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for the future status of Kosovo. I have a S.J.D. (PhD in Law) earned in Sofia and a MA in Global Affairs (GMAP) from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Medford.

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Искам да помагам за:

Мога да дам съвети за топ университети в САЩ (Ню Йорк, Вашингтон и Бостон); Великобритания; Нидерландия. Ще се радвам да споделя опит и от професията ми като дипломат и международен служител. Освен това съм университетски преподавател по дипломация, международно право, институционално право на международните организации, мирно разрешаване на конфликти. Ще се радвам да споделя добри практики, които съм прилагал, както и да помогна със съвет в други области.

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