Информационни и комуникационни технологии
Брой хора в екипа
37,000 + в глобален мащаб; 1,700 + в София
София, Garitage Park" сграда 2 и сграда 3, ул. Донка Ушлинова 2
25 300 лв. | 0 часа
Принос към каузите на Тук-Там
Има buddies, които работят тук!
Свържи се с тях.
Бих посъветвал всеки да следва неотменно ценностите и стремежите си и така да си изгради смислен кариерен път. Но все пак, да не забравя, че е поел от една малка (но горда) балканска страна.
9 авг 2020 • 3 мин четене
Томо Симеонов, VMware: "Моят съвет за тези, които сега започват, е да се учат усилено. "
17 авг 2020 • 2 мин четене
BREEAM certified office of VMware Bulgaria at Garitage Park
BREEAM is an international scheme that provides independent third-party certification of the assessment of the sustainability performance of individual buildings, communities, and infrastructure projects.
Voted Best Employer in Bulgaria for 2020
Voted Best Employer in Bulgaria for 2020 in the Employer of Choice research
CDP Climate Change
CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts.
Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF)'s Responsible Business - Awards in the “Investor in Knowledge” category
For the Coder Dojo collaboration
Investor Class A
VMware Bulgaria has received an “Investor Class A” certificate by the Bulgarian Investment Agency and Ministry of Economy, 2019
ICT Top 100 Companies in Bulgaria ranking by Computerworld
1st place in the Software category
Hero Award for Social Engagement link
“Приз за цялостна доброволческа политика” от TimeHeroes
Capital K100 ranking of the largest companies in Bulgaria
a 3 technology company
Capital award – Nina Zafirova CFO of the Year
in the category “Team leadership and talent development”
Employer of Choice Award 2021
Internship Program Category
BREEAM certified office of VMware Bulgaria at Garitage Park
BREEAM is an international scheme that provides independent third-party certification of the assessment of the sustainability performance of individual buildings, communities, and infrastructure projects.
Voted Best Employer in Bulgaria for 2020
Voted Best Employer in Bulgaria for 2020 in the Employer of Choice research
CDP Climate Change
CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts.
Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF)'s Responsible Business - Awards in the “Investor in Knowledge” category
For the Coder Dojo collaboration
Investor Class A
VMware Bulgaria has received an “Investor Class A” certificate by the Bulgarian Investment Agency and Ministry of Economy, 2019
ICT Top 100 Companies in Bulgaria ranking by Computerworld
1st place in the Software category
Hero Award for Social Engagement link
“Приз за цялостна доброволческа политика” от TimeHeroes
Capital K100 ranking of the largest companies in Bulgaria
a 3 technology company
Capital award – Nina Zafirova CFO of the Year
in the category “Team leadership and talent development”
Employer of Choice Award 2021
Internship Program Category
https://careers.vmware.com/свържи се с нас