Брой хора в екипа
в България - 1600+
гр. София 1784, Младост 1, бул. Цариградско Шосе 115 Г, Бизнес център „Мегапарк“, ет. 4
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"Смятам, че едно от най-важните неща, особено в началото на професионалното развитие, е да не те е страх да правиш нови крачки и да взимаш важни решения - било то по отношение на образованието или работата си."
24 авг 2022 • 3 мин четене
"Малката територия на държавата ни носи различни предимства, като лекотата с която може да се създаде мрежа от контакти и по този начин да се разширят възможностите за професионално и лично развитие."
24 авг 2022 • 3 мин четене
Best CRO ViE Awards
PPD clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific was named "Best Contract Research Organization" at the 15th annual Vaccine Industry Excellence (ViE) Awards during the 2022 World Vaccine Congress.
Clinical Research
PPD clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific's Clinical Research Business Named Clinical Research Company of the Year for Third Consecutive Year.
Top employer in Bulgaria
PPD clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific has been recognized as a top employer in Bulgaria in 2020, adding to its growing list of accolades as an employer of choice around the world, adding to its growing list of accolades as an employer of choice around the world.
Flexible Work Options
Work setting decisions are based on the individual preference and the role. The company offer three work setting options designed to give employees the maximum amount of flexibility the role allows.
Best CRO ViE Awards
PPD clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific was named "Best Contract Research Organization" at the 15th annual Vaccine Industry Excellence (ViE) Awards during the 2022 World Vaccine Congress.
Clinical Research
PPD clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific's Clinical Research Business Named Clinical Research Company of the Year for Third Consecutive Year.
Top employer in Bulgaria
PPD clinical research business of Thermo Fisher Scientific has been recognized as a top employer in Bulgaria in 2020, adding to its growing list of accolades as an employer of choice around the world, adding to its growing list of accolades as an employer of choice around the world.
Flexible Work Options
Work setting decisions are based on the individual preference and the role. The company offer three work setting options designed to give employees the maximum amount of flexibility the role allows.
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