Брой хора в екипа
гр. София, ж.к. Младост 4, ул. Самара 4, ет. 1, Адванс Бизнес Център
14 760 лв. | 0 часа
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Silver Award in ‘Excellence in Office Space’ at Employer Branding Awards
Gold Awards for ‘Employees at the heart of everything’ for large companies at South East Europe Customer Service Awards from Awards International LTD
Gold Award for ‘Best Employer in Outsourcing’ at Career Show Awards
Gold Award for ‘Internal communications Strategy’ at Career Show Awards
Silver Award for ‘Health and Wellness Strategy’ at Career Show Awards
Bronze Award for ‘Employee Engagement Strategy’ at Career Show Awards
Silver Award in ‘Excellence in Office Space’ at Employer Branding Awards
Gold Awards for ‘Employees at the heart of everything’ for large companies at South East Europe Customer Service Awards from Awards International LTD
Gold Award for ‘Best Employer in Outsourcing’ at Career Show Awards
Gold Award for ‘Internal communications Strategy’ at Career Show Awards
Silver Award for ‘Health and Wellness Strategy’ at Career Show Awards
Bronze Award for ‘Employee Engagement Strategy’ at Career Show Awards
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